Monday, May 22, 2006

Happy Victoria Day!!!

So ends the fist long weekend of the summer. The Victoria Day holiday otherwise known as the May 2-4.

For those of you who are not Canadian and might wonder why it is also referred to as the many bottles of beer in a case?

Yes this is a major party weekend for many teenagers. Traditionally spent in various campsites around the country with many cases of beer. Due to this influx of acholic beverages and the resulting extravagence; there is always a drinking ban in any provincially owned park. Not that it ever stopped us. We just got creative sneaking it in and drinking it.

Of course as an adult those days are behind me. Being so early in the season this weekend is often cold, windy and rainy. Which is fine if you are an intoxicated youngster, as an adult you couldn't pay me enough to sleep outside in weather like this.

So now I have joined the ranks of parents who all chip in and purchase mounds of fireworks to set off for all the kids. Bundled up in sweatshirts and wintercoats with hats and blanket over our laps. The kids are up way to late because it takes that much longer to get dark enough but once all the dads start venting off thier pyrotechnic fantasies everyone has fun.

Of course tradition is tradition so my girlfriend and I were armed with a large glass of red wine. Purely to help with the cold of course *G*


Mechele Armstrong said...

Happy Victoria Day!!

FeyRhi said...

And Happy Memorial Day to you!