Tuesday, April 04, 2006

It's a cartoon kinda day

Yesterday was a gorgeous, warm day. I mean like 20c warm. Sunny with a couple dark rain clouds that drifted in, dropped rain and then left. Where was I, at work of course. I'm home today and what is the weather today?


Cold, overcast, it's snowing/raining for peete's sake. Blech. Bummed me out completely, sucked my will to live and every creative force that resides in the right side of my brain.

Ok I think I may be done whining.... no guarentees.

Oldest kidlet is home with a cold so I have spent the day curled up on the couch with her wathcing a never ending stream of cartoons, Gotta tell you my favourite one is Disney's Weekenders. It's funny, intelligent, silly without being overly stupid. The characters Tino, Lor, Tish and Carver are all very different but still manage to be best friends. I wish they would release this show on DVD so I have a fix.....I mean let the kids watch it when ever they want.

I'm off to find a warm cozy spot, with a cuppa and my ancient laptop and crank out a few more words on my book. I realized the other day that mentally I pretty much have it written....well as far as I know what I want to add and where I want them to go, before they get to where they went.
I'm hoping all the details will fall nicely into place as I write.

I've learned so much of the writing process while doing this book. All the little things that I took for granted when reading a good story. Dialogue tags (my evil nemesis), Keeping it flowing smoothly, keep the historical stuff to a minimum so the reader doesn't get bored.

I swear I will have read this book a thousand times before it's finished.

There are a couple scenes that I moved to the end of the book because I wanted to build up the intensity before jumping into them. One thing I have found VERY tricky is describing my main character. The first real description of her is in the second chapter and through the eyes of another character. I really should describe her sooner then that but I just can't figure out how to fit it in. The first chapter is a fairly emotional scene and trying to work in a physical description just seemes to take away from everything else that is going on. Maybe I'll work on that tonight and see how it goes. It's one of the things that is bugging me the most.

Later Days!

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