Saturday, December 01, 2007


Thank The Gods It's December. The beginning of the second month to my year. May she be kinder then the last one.

Honestly November kicked my ass. It started out so innocently, with the promise of many creative endeavours. Plans to paint some of our walls and the beginnings of a couple of writing projects. Then tragedy struck.

As many of you know my aunt passed into summerland in the middle of the month, unexpectedly, devastating the entire Roberts Clan.

Then my daughter wiped out at school and broke her arm.

This was followed by the again unexpected passing of my aunt's husband. The poor man only lasted 2 weeks with out her. His health was poor and sadly he had been a self destructive alcoholic for as long as I can remember. The most heartbreaking of it all is the fact that my "little" 22 and 24 yr old cousins, who were in the early stages of grieving their mother, have now lost their father.

Then just as I arrogantly said at work that it was the 30th of Novenber and I couldn't wait to go to bed and finish this shitty month once and for all. I come home to a message that my Grandpa has been diagnosed with Lukemia.

November, the bitch, got one more kick in at the last minute.

I still can't help but have a visual image of my Aunti relaxing in Summerland with some buff satyers feeding her grapes, or better yet chocolate. Just to have my uncle show up after two weeks. I swear, I can hear her voice "Dammit Bill. Already?"

1 comment:

Susan said...

I couldn't help but laugh as I wiped my eyes. That sounds just like her!