Monday, June 05, 2006

From humble beginnings

Welcome to FeyRhi Estates!
Located on the North Shore of Lake Ontario
Projected volume for 2007...oh half a bottle at best

Ok I'm just kidding I'm not really starting a winery although that is one of my favourite daydreams. Being an accomplished (multi published), successful writer and owning a vineyard. I could write while overlooking ripening grapes. *sigh*

Hey you never know right! That's what dreams are for. Mine just happens to be a bit of the far fetched side but not completely unatainable. Although I'm gonig to have to sell a whole lots of books to be able to afford a small vineyard on the St David's Bench (my favourite Niagara appellation)
This is a 2 yr old Pinot Noir vine that I was given while on conference. If memory serves it was Henry of Pelham that donated them to us. (One of my favourite Niagara wineries!) This one is all mine though, it won't do much this year but should grow like mad next. Vines don't produce grapes till the third year.

I was actually learning how to plant vines like this one in their (Pelham's) vineyard last Wednesday. We were planting Riesling, whish means the 2009 vintages will contain juice from the grapes I planted *G* Ok stop looking at me like that, I think it's cool.

I am still kicking my self for not bringing my camera. It was such a busy day, We were at Coyote's Run in the morning, off to Brock university for a WCO presentation on the new Niagara Appellations. Had a BBQ lunch there then my group was off to Pelham. That was the best part of the day. Planting vines is not easy work. Opposite to what you might assume, grapes grow best in crap soil. The vineyard soil is rock hard and mostly red clay. It was still fun though. The brothers are a great bunch of guys and are so down to earth. It is a must stop on any winery tour.

I suspect that many of you might be getting the same glazed look on your face as my brother does when I slip into wine mode so I'll stop here. He was teasing me last night that I look the same when we he starts on about rad techs and nuclear power.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi "FeyRhi",

You may be interested in what I'm doing. I am searching for people who are truly into wine, to work with me in liquor stores and shows for wine promotions (and craft beer too). If this piques your interest, drop me a line at or call 905-688-5270.