Saturday, March 28, 2009

In retaliation to the Fox assholes....

(yeah yeah language warning....What? You couldn't tell already?)

I know it has been a very long time since I updated here. I do have other interesting things to write about but today this is chewing at me. I was pondering if I should respond to the moronic assholes that populate the Fox network...

Yes, in the end I decided that I wanted to. I am very proud of our armed forces. Although I will admit a certain affinity for the NAVY because my uncles that served in that uniform.

As for the Fox know who you are.... Fuck you!


Unknown said...

^5 Woman! I wish all the networks would get over the "put in your personal opinions" and back to just "give us the facts".

FeyRhi said...

Here Here!! You have my vote on that one.

The fact that this story broke on the same day that 4 more of our soldiers were killed...I think it's a major factor why the we all took it so personally.

Oh for the days of 'Dragnet'. "Just the facts mam' Just the facts."